Raffle Roster 😎⚽️

5 Jul 2016 by Karyn Wastie


As you know we like EVERYONE to contribute a little to this amazing club your child is part of. Thanks to all those who have volunteered already. It’s time to work on our roster for the second half of the year. Only an hour or two running the weekly raffle at the Gin Gin Hotel. The more names in the roster the less times we will ask you to help out πŸ€— Please text, message or email Karyn Wastie your preferred dates to lock them in early.

Taya and Sarah are on this week then all weeks are empty, ready for your name 😍

Contact: wastie72@gmail.com, 0403437208 or FB inbox Karyn Wastie ASAP πŸ‘πŸΌβš½οΈ